Kevan Malone's article published in The Washington Post
San Diego and Tijuana’s shared sewage problem has a long history. U.S. imperialism and private enterprise in the region have created ecological peril.

UC San Diego Department of Communication Commitments to Actions in Response to the Murder of George Floyd
The Department of Communication is outraged, aggrieved, and heartbroken by the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police. We extend our deepest solidarity with Black students, staff, and faculty at our university, with Black communities across the country, and with people throughout the world who are grieving. We declare that ALL Black Lives Matter here and across the world.

UC San Diego Department of Communication Faculty Statement on Cost-of-Living Adjustments for Graduate Student Workers
The Department of Communication at the University of California, San Diego has a long history of student-centered education that attends closely to the lived conditions of everyday life. Formed in 1970 in response to student demands for a curriculum focused on the critical appraisal of media industries and representations, our department is committed to pursuing justice for vulnerable and marginalized communities who disproportionately face threats to their lives and to their livelihoods. We aim to promote a society in which all people enjoy equal access to basic needs (including housing, sustenance, education, and health care), to safety, and to freedom in all of its forms.